Space shuttle cockpit landing gear
Space shuttle cockpit landing gear

under which angle will the desired orbit intersect with the equator). The next thing to consider is the inclination (i.e. For this reason, launch courses always point eastward. The important implication is that launching close to the equator due east, we gain 1450 ft/s of inertial speed for free, whereas launching due west from the same location, we have to accelerate an extra 1450 ft/s. the projection of the path of a spacecraft onto a globe) does hence not close even if the orbit itself is closed and is distorted by this effect. The precise speed depends on latitude and is highest at the equator where it reaches a value of over 450 m/sec or 1450 ft/sec. In fact, the planet rotates eastward fairly fast. Since the planet rotates, this is not the same as a groundspeed. This velocity is something almost never referred to in aerodynamical flight - an inertial velocity with respect to the center of Earth. The upshot is that in order to reach a stable orbit, the Shuttle needs to be moving fast - about 27.000 ft/sec, roughly 8 km/sec or Mach 27.

space shuttle cockpit landing gear

Rather, for low orbit spaceflight, weightlessness can be understood as gravitational force being balanced by centrifugal pseudo-force. While Earth's gravitational force decreases with distance, the Shuttle doesn't reach even remotely high enough to experience weightlessness due to this effect. Accelerate to orbital speed outside the atmosphere.Steer towards a launch course corresponding to an orbit with the desired inclination.Bring the orbiter safely through the atmosphere.At an altitude of about 150,000 ft the SRBs are disconnected and the shuttle accelerates only using the main engines fed from the ET which is disconnected just before reaching orbit. The SRBs can not be throttled, once on, they burn till they are spent. The first two minutes of the flight pass through the atmosphere, during this time the SRBs provide most of the thrust.

space shuttle cockpit landing gear

The complete launch stack consists of the orbiter, mounted on the external tank (ET) which supplies propellant for the Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs), assisted by two solid rocket boosters (SRBs). During this time, an enormous amount of propellant is spent accelerating the orbiter to Mach 26 at an altitude of 150 km. This is a surprisingly short time, all in all just about eight minutes. The launch phase of the Shuttle lasts from ignition of the main engines until the shuttle reaches orbit.

  • Flying the Shuttle - Transoceanic Abort Landing TAL.
  • Flying the Shuttle - Return To Launch Site RTLS.
  • Flying the Shuttle - Intact Abort Procedures Overview.
  • Flying the Shuttle - Entry TAEM and Landing Advanced.
  • Flying the Shuttle - Deorbit Burn and Final Entry Preparation Advanced.
  • Flying the Shuttle - Deorbit Preparation Advanced.
  • Space Shuttle Tutorial-From Ground to Orbit.
  • space shuttle cockpit landing gear

    Flying the Shuttle - Launch And Post Insertion Advanced.Flying the Shuttle - Orbital Operations.Flying the Shuttle - Space Shuttle Checklists.Note This article refers to the SpaceShuttle in the FGAddon repository. Pre Launch T-9 mn until MECO advanced tutorial Once you feel confident, you can move on more advanced tutorial with more steps to do with Very Close to real operations and Checklists Note You will have the opportunity in this topic to learn the basics to Launch a Space Shuttle and what happens physically to the Orbiter during the Ascent Phase

    Space shuttle cockpit landing gear